Ludovica Borio began her studies in 1975 at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice. She then attended the ISIAO (Italian Institute for Africa and the East) in Milan and in 1983 specialized in Chinese at the Language Institute in Peking.

After returning to Italy and when China started opening up to international business relations, she began working as interpreter and translator for various Italian companies and agencies. She studied technical and commercial language in depth following Chinese delegations in Italy for long training periods and on instructive missions. She has also accompanied Italian delegations to China as consultant for the Chinese market. 

By participating in the twinning of various provinces and towns, such as those between the Abruzzo Region and the Province of Shanxi in 1992, the Umbria Region and the Province of Shaanxi in 1995 and the City of Chieti and the City of Yancheng in 1996, she has contributed to the development of diplomatic relations between several Italian Institutions and their Chinese counterparts. 

She has also taken part in cultural cooperation projects, such as the creation of the Italian Language Course at the Language University of Xi’An in 1995 and the Michetti Exhibition at the Italian Embassy in China in 2003.  

She has travelled to China on more than 60 occasions.

During the training course in Small and Medium Sized Companies which took place in 2003 for 30 managers from the People’s Republic of China, held within the Marco Polo project and promoted by the International Training Campus and the Abruzzo Region, and financed by the Italian Foreign Ministry, Ludovica Borio acted as Advisor to the Institution for Economic and Cultural Development, Italy, China and the East. 

She works as cultural mediator for the Casa San Martino in Zelo, the Limes Association, the Juvenile Court, National Police and the Law Courts of Milan.

For many years she has been working with the Kappamedia Group and with the Institution for Economic and Cultural Development, Italy China and the East for the organization of thematic exhibitions on China, Ceramics and Handicrafts: The Opera of Peking, Panda Territories, the Ceramic Museum in Rapino, Artpolis 2006/2007/2008.

Until 2004, she worked together with the International Centre for Pesticide Safety as editor/translator of the Pesticide Safety Bulletin.

She translates registration dossiers for various companies in the pharmaceutical sector, legal texts, statutes and minutes of meetings. 

Furthermore, she has translated the books “Stones and Smiles. My China”, “The Organic Garden” and the “Proceedings of the Convention on Linneo”.






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